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Monson Lee's Diary

*Monson Lee is a character based on the name of my home town, he is not real. He lives in the Internet... in this tab you will encounter my ramblings,,,,enjoy =)

August 26th 2024: Coding, coding, and more coding

today I realized that I had been bulking up my code for no reason. I decided to create a separate theme, "grandmas house"; very nice name I know, because I want my site to have different looks, That's when I saw the "style.css" picking up dust in the folders--thats when it clicked that i could move everything there. so I did. Now *most* of my site's html looks very clean, compared to before.

>Speaking of sites, I do wished I had archived what it looked like before. At some point I had Johnny Marr as my background. Maybe I should make a Smiths theme hmmmm....

August 25th 2024: Strangeways, Here we come; R-rolling, and GTBSBE

Yesterday I listen to The Smiths last album, Strangeways, Here we come; and I think it's rose to one of my favorites album. Their entire discography is very good but I think Strangeways is often overshadowed by other realeases such as Meat is Murder (my fav) or TQID. It has no skips (common Smiths W) and the entire production is fresh but still has the distinct Smiths sound to it. My favorite songs from that album include: Last night I dreamt, Girlfriend in a coma, and I wont share you.

(a few hours later...) Currently 23:05 as I write this, feeling: sleepy. Update on the R rolling: I figured out the tongue placement and now I can do those cool rrrrr sounds. I feel like Woodywoodpecker now. I did not write a specific entry for it but 2 days ago while I was out and about, I saw someone wearing a sadboys t-shirt!. This is my first time seeing someone that actually listens to them irl so I was quite surprise. I would have said something but they went the opposite direction in which I was going and the streets were full of people ;p

Compared to the rest of my still in construction website, this tab is very,,,,fuzzy. Probably because of all the plaid and paper texture. All images from pinterest btw. I may just have a theme selector because I like both the way this looks and the purple,pink,green thing I got going on

August 24th 2024: Rolling my R's

How's everyone doing? writing this kind of reminds me of Kayla in the movie Eight Grade (2018). Anyway, I have been away actually drawing in my sketchbook and mentally preparing myself for school. Today i decided to actually learn how to roll my r's properly; even as a native spanish speaker, I cannot ;/

August 14th 2024: Minecraft

Just got back into my minecraft world. i have done quite a lot on it so I have decided to make a separate tab just for it (on the nav bar) I will add things i built or activities that I have been doing in there ^^

August 8th and 9th 2024

9th-- Currently sitting on the library desktop as I write this. Decided to step out today even though its been a rainy couple of days. Almost got wet while on the way here

8th-- Anyone else get sudden bursts of energy to complete a project? After 2 weeks I remebered this page and now I want to keep updating it after seeing all the other cool stuff in this site. It's quite inspiring if I say so myself.

A little more on the Monson Lee nickname: I like to go by multiple aliases online, which come from the most randomest places (I got one of my aliases while playing BitLife Sim lol) it isnt a bad idea, gives you the sense of "privacy" or something but it's also very fun. I didnt really think about online nicknames until during quarantine (I still have the notes of me trying to think one up) because I have always gone by my reak name and even if I dont I do end up telling people at some point. I dont have anything settled for this Monson Lee guy yet we will see how it goes.